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Monday, November 23, 2009

Flipping the shot in "Adventures of Kit Carson"

One of the tricks used to save money in the old movies and TV shows was flipping shots, apparently to get what looked like different footage but was in fact just the same footage mounted in reverse. In other words, left is right and right is left, like a mirror image. Here's an example from the TV show "Adventures of Kit Carson."

This shot is from about five minutes into the episode "Border Corsairs," which premiered Jan. 12, 1952. Kit, played by Bill Williams, is on the left and his sidekick El Toro, played by Don Diamond, is on the right. But this shot is in fact flipped.

Around the 10-minute mark of the same episode, this shot appears. The riders are now on opposite sides of each other. But if you look closely, you'll see that it's not just the riders who have switched sides — everything is reversed from the earlier shot. In the second shot, everything is correctly oriented. One of the better giveaways is that the curved white marking along the nose of Kit Carson's horse curves to the left in the first shot and to the right in the second.

The main feature in the background is Oat Mountain, the light-colored series of hills along the top of the shot. Another way to tell the shots are reversed is by looking at the dark triangle shape just above the riders — the Triangle Brand, as I call it, stamped on Oat Mountain. We know from seeing the orientation of the Triangle Brand in modern times — it's formed by a grove of trees on the side of the hill, and can still be easily spotted today — that this is the correct orientation for the shot.

Click here for another example of flipping the shot, from "The Roy Rogers Show."

1 comment:

brian said...

I had no idea about this! I knew they used the same chase roads and would film guys on horseback going in one direction and then going back in another. But reversing footage is quite a way to save dough. If you need a shot of the hero riding somewhere at the start of the show and you need him on horseback again half way through, I guess they saved quite a bit of time and money by just inserting the earlier footage backwards!